Harper was scheduled for her 9 month check up last Friday, but when I called in Monday and told them that her ears were still not any better, her doctor said to bring her in Tuesday and we could knock it all out in one appointment. To fill you in, her ears had yet to clear up on 2 rounds of antibiotics and shots of Rocephin. Her blood work and all other well baby appointment stuff looked great, but the ears...not so much. He said they looked just as bad, if not worse! Since they STILL looked so bad, instead of scheduling an appointment with an ENT, he told us to go straight over and they will work us in. They ENT was super nice and immediately made us feel good about seeing a specialist. He sai her ears looked really bad and scheduled her surgery for Friday, February 25 at 7:00. Nick even talked him into looking in my ear (that had been bothering me) and said I had a pretty nasty infetion too! I guess poor Harper comes by it honestly! As mentioned before, we had to be there at 7:00am and could not have anything to eat or drink after midnight!! Seriously??? with a 9 monthold??? Harper was a trooper and other than a little fussing, handled it like a champ. My sweet coworkers brought over a HUGE bag of toys and books that helped occupy her. They brought us back to prep her at about 7:45. Here we are waiting in her hospital gown:)
They took her back to surgery at about 8:30 and went Mom and Dad to waiting room to wait. The waiting room phone rang in about 15 min to tell us he was done and she did great! Really? All of this anticipation for 15 min??? The surgeon came out and told us she did wonderfully and definitely gets the award for the worst ears of the week! He said the fluid in her ears was so thick it was the consistency of airplane glue! Yuck! They warned us that after anesthesia babies are usually really angry, but this is normal. Apparently, Harper is not normal, because she was in there smiling and being her usual "ham" of a self:) She even gave the nurses a standing ovation when we left:) Harper slept alot that day, but has since been very happy! So, thus far, we give tubes two thums up:) I will leave you with some pictures from going to Memphis the weekend before last for and enjoying the warm weather! Nick's sister and family also came in and we spent the day at the park... We Love Y'all! Nick, Rachel, and Harper
Crazy Rach! I'm glad she's back to feeling better. She is getting so big! So cute.